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Quality Prospect Conversations Guide

What is a Quality Prospect Conversation?

The purpose of a QPC is to effectively schedule the first AE sales call (discovery/ alignment) and sell the value of the next step.

Benefits of the framework: identifying whether or not the call/ connect was a quality conversation! If it was not a quality call, the rep should continue outreach until they have completed all key elements. If the prospect declines a meeting after you have checked all 3 elements, then you can disposition the prospect appropriately (recycled/ rejected) and confidently move on to the next contact or account.

Who is this for?

Quality Prospecting Conversations are for outbound conversations with prospects that are within the ideal customer profile (ICP) but are not currently having a targeted play run on them. For example: re-engage, content syndication, named target accounts, etc.

Key Elements

  1. Teach: Power statement to assert an insight to the prospect
  2. Ask: Ask a meaningful question to engage the prospect based on the insight you have provided.
    1. Validate OR give a benefit: Respond to their answer with added expertise to validate their response or tell them a benefit..
  3. Invite: Effectively invite the prospect to engage in a deeper discussion about their business (sell the meeting with the AE)

Prepping for Cold Calls

Research Your Lead

  • Review their website
  • Review their social media
  • Review their LinkedIn (title, info about their role, etc.)
  • Search for any past engagement in SFDC (white paper download, visited our website, attended a webinar, etc.)
  • Review company information on Zoominfo, Apollo, or other sources like Crunchbase

Find Your “Ask”

Have your meaningful question/ insight at the ready! This should directly align to the strategy for the outbound play so you shouldn’t have to start from scratch each time.

QPC Details

1. Teach an Insight

  • Introduction

    • Introduce yourself and the product
  • Insight Examples:

    • “I was looking at your website and noticed that…”
    • “A similar customer of ours saw results by doing…”

2. Ask a Key Question (Avoid Yes or No Questions)

Engaging Questions:

  • “What are you currently doing for…”
  • “Are you also experiencing…”

Qualifying Questions:

(may not be necessary for outbound prospects, especially if they are a named account)

Then: Validate or Share A Benefit


  • That is great that you are doing _______, we have seen our most successful customers achieve _____ results doing that.

  • Something you might think about doing is _______.


  • A major benefit of being able to [differentiator] is that you're able to [value driver for their business or the individual].
    • Example "a major benefit of being able to securely store documents is that your department avoids fines by staying compliant"

Tie this into asking for the appointment! The next step is diving more into the benefit or area of opportunity in a call with the AE.

3. Ask for an Appointment

“I would love to talk more about ____ and how specifically you could achieve that at your company. Would you have 30 minutes [day] or [day] for an expert to walk you through how we have helped our most successful clients to achieve _____?

OR I’d love to schedule time with you and our sales team to talk more about [option 1 or 2] and how specifically you could achieve that at [Account name]. Would you have 30-minutes [x day] or [y day] for us to walk you through X?

  • Would the morning or afternoon be better?
  • I have a [time] or [time] available
  • Great, I have an invite created for [date/time] what would be the best email address to send the invite to?

“Great, I will send an invite to [client email address] for [date/time] , in that invite you will find a zoom link for a screen share so they can show some specific content to help you and your business. If you have any additional topics you want to go over please let me know to pass that along to the rep, so you can maximize your time together. We look forward to talking to you then.”